I began looking into Space 1999 around the same time I started going on the Internet, around 1994. At the time I wanted to learn how get onto email lists which had something to do with a strange thing called a listserv. In between learning how to use my new PC

and stumbling around on the fairly new Internet I started looking into Space: 1999, a show I had almost seen complete when it first aired. I had watched the first season of Space in Phoenix Arizona, our last year living there. I never made it through all the episodes but the airing order did baffle me a bit.
Breakaway was followed by The Guardian of Piri, a story that made me think Piri was Meta! In between seasons we moved back to New York and I made my adjustments there. As I did Season two aired and I was just glad to have the old show back. Never mind the changes, I was happy to have something familiar from my good days in Phoenix.
So I went online in 1994 after being disappointed Space: 1999 was being shown so cut on the Sci Fi Channel. I really missed the This Episode sequences plus other scenes that I remembered from 1975 in Phoenix and later in New York.
When I found a few fans online I was astonished at the amount of creativity these fans had and the way they welcomed new fans in. At some point I signed onto

AOL 1.0
and found some more material including lists of the novels and some images. The guy who did the list of novels came to some of the conventions later on and we got to hang out together, a pretty cool dude! I was on AOL when they opened up their service to the internet and I watched the carnage that ensued! Eventually the World Wide Web struck in 1995 or so and the everything changed. Now there were Space 1999 websites and email lists. A complete history of this up to 2000 or so is available here:
A History of Online Alphaby David Welle and updated by Jenny Lobb.
One of the things that keeps me interested in Space 1999 are the incredible amount of great websites out there. Not only do these sites entertain and inform but their layout inspired me to create my own site. Enthusiasm for Space 1999 is a little contagious....maybe like a virus? But a good one.
When I started looking into Space 1999 I just wanted to see the episodes uncut. One the way that quest brought me to the great music of Barry Gray, Derek Wadsworth and music editor Alan Willis, the script writers Johnny Byrne and Chris Penfold. It taught me who Charles Crighton and David Tomblin were.
It brought me face to face with Catherine Schell, Zienia Merton, Prentise Hancock, John Hug, Shane Rimmer and the incredible Barry Morse. Barry went on to teach me about George Bernard Shaw! It showed me the terrific artistic talents of Keith Wilson and the incredible special effects work of Brian Johnson, Derek Meddings and Martin Bower. Not to mention all the friends I've made over the years.
So I now have all the episodes of Space: 1999 uncut and I can watch them anytime I want to. In addition have memories of good times in New York City and Tampa of the conventions I've been to and all the things I've learned since those early days in 1994. So I thought I'd put a little bit of Space 1999 online as well hopefully in an area that hasn't been covered yet by all the other terrific and wonderful sites. I think I may have found a niche and you'll let me know if I have.