The Destinies Film Review Team (Howard Margolin, Jim Rowland, Steve Lowenthal, Phil and Julia Merkel, and Audrey Dettmering) discuss the best and worst science fiction, fantasy, adventure, and horror films of 2009, and give their choices for the best genre films of the 2000s. Also includes the list of absent member Christopher DeFilippis.
Best of 2008 Review Show:
January 2, 2009
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The Destinies Film Review Team (Howard Margolin, Jim Rowland, Steve Lowenthal, Christopher DeFilippis, and Phil Merkel) assembles to discuss the best and worst science fiction, fantasy, adventure, and horror movies of 2008. Also includes the list of absentee reviewer Audrey Dettmering.
Best of 2007 Review Show:
January 4th, 2008
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The Destinies Film Review Team (Howard Margolin, Christopher DeFilippis, and Phil Merkel) assembles live to discuss the best and worst science fiction, fantasy, adventure, and horror movies of 2007.
Best of 2006 Review Show:
January 5th, 2007
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Destinies presents the best Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Action/Adventure films of 2006 as the Destinies Film Review team assembles. Featuring Jim Rowland, Christopher DeFilippis and Phil Merkel.
Best of 2005 Review Show:
January 6th, 2006
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The Film Review team picks the 5 best genre films of 2005
Best of 2004 Review Show:
January 7th, 2005
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The Film Review team picks the 5 best genre films of 2004
Best of 2002 Review Show:
January 3rd, 2003
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The Film Review team picks the 5 best genre films of 2002
Best of 2001 Review Show:
January 4th, 2002
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The Film Review team picks the 5 best genre films of 2001
Best of 1985 Review Show:
January 3, 1985
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The Destinies Film Review Team (Howard Margolin, John Madonia, Joe Leo, and Glenn Hauman) discuss their favorite and least favorite science fiction, fantasy, adventure, and horror films of 1985, and take calls from the audience in the first live Destinies Year-In-Film show.
Best of 1984 Review Show:
January 8, 1985
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John Madonia reviews "The Merchant's War" by Frederick Pohl and "Circumpolar" by Richard A. Lupoff in "Things To Come," then joins with Howard Margolin and Ralph Schiano to discuss their favorite science fiction, fantasy, and adventure films of 1984. The first ever Destinies Year-In-Film Review Show.